Data Portrait: Since I am currently staying in San Diego, for this assignment I decided to collect data regarding the amount of sailboats and motor boats that passed by every 4 hours. I would watch the boats for 5 minutes each time and record how many would pass by within the same radius each time. The purpose of this data collection was to track water traffic on the harbor and how it would vary on different days and times. Each ellipse represents the boat traffic on certain days. Visually I wanted them to look like bubbes in the water. I was unable to figure out how to create a label when clicking on the data point which would ideally make the data more readable and accesible. It was interesting to see the number of sailboats significantly increase on the weekends which indicates that may be a more leisurely activity whilst the motorboats were more prevelant throughout the week and early in the mornings, potentially indicating more fisherman might have been occupying the waters at the time. When creating the sailboat, I discovered the sin function that was able to give the boat a more dynamic up and down movement vs a generic forward movement. In addition, I created bubbles/ clouds that dragged forward, creating a sense of movement, emulating the frothiness of water.